Restorative Justice Practices and Credible Messengers: Promising, Innovative Approaches for Improving Outcomes for Youth in the Juvenile Justice System
Hosted by The Council of State Governments Justice Center, the University of Cincinnati Corrections Institute, and the Georgetown University Center for Juvenile Justice Reform (CJJR)
Supported by The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
This webinar brings together experts from the fields of restorative and juvenile justice to review the current state of research and use of restorative justice practices and credible messengers with youth at risk for or involved with the juvenile justice system. As jurisdictions seek to address growing concerns about youth crime and violence, there is increased interest in adopting innovative programs and practices that can hold youth accountable for their behavior while also improving public safety and youth outcomes such as education and behavioral health. Simultaneously, the fact that many locales are struggling with unprecedented staffing challenges within their public agencies and private service providers has increased the urgency to identify creative, effective interventions that are less staff and cost intensive.
To this end, the University of Cincinnati Corrections Institute conducted a comprehensive review of rigorous research-including over 30 research studies from 2000 to 2023-on restorative justice and credible messenger practices, two types of grassroots interventions that are growing in popularity and have shown promising outcomes for youth, victims, and communities. This webinar will include information from a brief about this research and lift up promising programs from across the country.
Ashleigh LaCourse, Research Associate, University of Cincinnati Corrections Institute
Myrinda Schweitzer Smith, Executive Director, University of Cincinnati Corrections Institute
Derrick Franke, Senior Researcher, AIR
Sondra Sontana, Restorative Community Conferencing Program Manager, Community Works West
Matthew Kama’aina, Program Director, Restorative Dialogues